
Why Should I Trust Excelsia With My Care?

Our patients benefit from compassionate, comprehensive post-injury care and a system designed to facilitate recovery every step of the way. Our integrated model provides access to all the services you need—including medical, rehabilitation, diagnostic, and surgical—and you’re never far from one of our more than 60 convenient locations.

How Should I Prepare for My First Visit?

Remember to arrive on time for your appointment, bring your photo ID, private health insurance card, and any relevant medical records.

If you are being treated for an auto accident, please bring your PIP information and any claim information you have.

If you are being treated for a workers’ compensation injury, please bring your employer’s insurance information.

If you are receiving physical therapy, your first visit may take up to an hour. Minors will need a parent or guardian present for the first physical therapy visit.

How Do I Reschedule or Change My Appointment?

To change or reschedule your appointment, call the phone number listed on the location you are scheduled at, the scheduling team for that location will help you reschedule.

Can I Receive Care at Multiple Locations?

We encourage patients to complete their care at a single location for consistency and optimal recovery. However, throughout your recovery, your provider may refer you to a specialist at another Excelsia location.

Do You Have Weekend Hours?

Several of our locations offer weekend hours. All location hours are visible on each location page. Please visit our Locations page to find the best location near you.

Does Excelsia Treat Minors?

We treat minors with a parent or guardian present. Please call to determine any provider age limitations.

Can a Minor Receive Care Without a Parent or Guardian?

A parent or guardian must be present for all minor medical visits and for the minor’s first physical therapy visit.

How Can I Give Feedback About My Experience?

All patients who opt in to receive messages from us will receive a text or email survey asking about your experience. We greatly appreciate your feedback and encourage you to also leave us a review on Google. The information you share is important for ensuring we are providing the best-in-class experience we promise.


Can Excelsia Provide Translation Services?

We comply with all ADA guidelines, including those surrounding effective communication. Please let us know in advance if you require translation services at your appointment.

What is BWR?

Our BWR care centers provide high-quality work conditioning, rehabilitation, and aquatic therapy through a cost-efficient, outcome-oriented process.

What Can I Expect During My First Aquatic Therapy Visit?

Upon arriving for your first aquatic therapy session there will be a locker room for you to change into with available lockers to store your items in. Please bring a combination lock or lock and key. You may wear whatever makes you feel comfortable, usually a swimsuit, shorts and t-shirt. You can expect a customized pool program with someone supervising you at all times. The depth of the pool starts rather shallow and increases to adjust for individuals of various heights. Your feet will be on the ground the entire time.

What is Interventional Pain Management?

Interventional pain management is a type of therapy designed to block pain through injection. It may be used in place of or in conjunction with prescription pain medications.

Interventional pain management procedures are usually conducted in a series of multiple injections and are carefully performed under a form of X-ray called fluoroscopy.

The two most common types are facet injections and nerve blocks. Facet injections are injections of a numbing agent and/or steroid medication into the connections between the bones of the spine to anesthetize the facet joints and block pain. Nerve blocks are injections that decrease inflammation and disable pain signals along a specific nerve pathway. This can allow a damaged nerve time to heal, provide temporary relief, and help identify a specific cause of pain.

What Does a Chiropractor Do?

A doctor of chiropractic is a primary care doctor who specializes in spinal health and well-being. Chiropractors focus on the prevention, diagnosis, and conservative care of spine-related disorders and other painful joint issues.

They perform adjustments to help restore joint function, administer soft-tissue therapies, and provide lifestyle recommendations, fitness coaching, and nutritional advice. Excelsia’s chiropractic professionals also have physical therapy privileges and are licensed as supervising chiropractors.

What Does a Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant Do?

A nurse practitioner (NP) is an advanced practice registered nurse who is certified to provide additional types of patient care, like examining patients, diagnosing illnesses, providing treatment, and prescribing medication. In some states, including Maryland, NPs have full practice authority and do not require physician supervision.

A physician assistant (PA) works in collaboration with a licensed physician to diagnose and treat illnesses and prescribe medication. Because of their advanced education in general medicine, PAs can treat patients with significant autonomy, providing nearly all of the clinical services a physician does.


How Will My Medical Information Be Used?

By signing the consent form, you are permitting Excelsia to share your medical information with your representing attorney, insurance companies, and any physician or specialist our providers refer you to.

Why Does Excelsia Need to Know Where I Was Previously Treated?

Understanding your history of treatment is vital to the success of your care. Our staff obtains your prior medical records strictly to evaluate and treat your injuries properly.

Can Excelsia Complete Social Security, Social Services, or Disability Forms for Me?

No, we cannot complete social security, social services, or disability forms.


Why Do I Need to Provide My Private Insurance Information for an Auto or Workers’ Comp Accident?

Excelsia keeps a copy of your private health insurance on file to protect you as a patient and a consumer.

What is PIP and Why Do I Need to Provide my Auto Insurance Information if the Accident Was Not My Fault?

Personal injury protection (PIP) are benefits that may assist in paying your medical bills and lost wages. PIP benefits may be available to you regardless of fault or vehicle ownership.

Any individual injured in a motor vehicle accident while using the insured’s motor vehicle with their permission may receive PIP; an individual injured in a motor vehicle as a guest or passenger may also receive PIP.

If you have a family member with whom you reside who owns a motor vehicle with PIP, you may be entitled to PIP under their policy even if that vehicle was not involved in the accident. If you have additional questions about PIP, please speak with your attorney.


What is an MRI?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) establishes a magnetic field around the area of injury before administering radio waves that create a picture of the inside of your body.

How Do I Prepare for an MRI Visit?

On the day of your scan, wear comfortable clothing. Ensure you have no metal on your person, including hair accessories, jewelry, and other personal items. Please alert your MRI  technician if you  are pregnant or have  one or more of the following:

  • Pacemaker
  • Artificial Heart Valve
  • Insulin Implant
  • Copper IUD  
  • Permanent Eyeliner
  • Fresh or Non-Healed Tattoos
  • Medication Pump
  • Artificial Joint(s)
  • Metallic Foreign Object(s)
  • Metal Splinter(s), Shrapnel, or any Other Metal in Your Body

If your provider prescribes sedating medication for claustrophobia, take the medication as prescribed and arrange for private transportation after your appointment. No guests will be allowed to accompany you into the MRI  room, and the office cannot provide childcare.

What is an EMG or Nerve Conduction Study?

Electromyography (EMG) is a diagnostic technique used to evaluate the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. These tests determine if there is any nerve damage in the area that may be causing you pain, weakness, numbness, and/or tingling. The test does not have any after-effects, and there are no restrictions on your activity after the test is completed. Do not use any lotion, cream, or Vaseline on your skin on the day of the test, as it may interfere with the results.