Car accidents occur every minute of each day, which equates to about 5.25 million accidents annually1. In 2022, medically consulted injuries in motor-vehicle incidents totaled 5.2 million2. When a motor vehicle collision occurs, it can cause life-altering outcomes for those involved, both physically and mentally.

Negligence in an auto accident is when a driver fails to use reasonable care to prevent injury to others, either by doing something they should not have or by not adhering to traffic rules. Driver negligence can be present in many different scenarios—common instances include speeding, reckless driving, distracted driving, and lack of precaution.


Speeding accounts for approximately one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities3. Excessive speeding reduces the amount of time a driver has to react to avoid a crash situation, increases vehicle stopping distance, and reduces the ability of road safety structures to protect vehicle occupants in a crash. It is not only dangerous for the driver, but a risk to other people on the road around them as well.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving occurs when a motorist operates a vehicle with willful disregard for the physical safety of themselves, others, or property. This can be as simple as failing to use turn signals or not yielding to respect others’ right of way.

Considered an intentionally aggressive behavior, tailgating is an action that creates little distance between two vehicles and does not allow for safe stopping, which in turn causes many rear-end accidents. Driving under the influence is another type of reckless driving that impairs the driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle safely, existing as one of the largest safety issues on U.S. roads.

Distracted Driving

Common distractions for drivers can include the use of an electronic device while driving for navigation, making phone calls and texts, playing music, using the internet, and more. Other common distractions include letting go of the wheel, looking for something in the car, eating or drinking while driving, or interacting with other passengers.

Disregard of Road Conditions

Poor weather conditions that cause slippery or hazardous roads for drivers can lead to an accident if a driver fails to take appropriate precautions, such as slowing down or using windshield wipers. Other elements of unsafe roads can include those that need repair due to damage such as potholes, or lack of cleared snow and ice during a storm.

Auto Accident Claims

Auto accident claims are filed by those impacted by a collision, which allow their insurance company to assess the cost of repairs and medical care in order to determine a settlement amount. When the dollar amount offered by the adjustor is not be enough to cover all of the individual’s bills or needs, an auto accident attorney is often hired to negotiate on that person’s behalf and secure a more substantial settlement.

Excelsia is Here to Simplify Your Recovery Journey

At Excelsia Injury Care, our mission is to restore quality of life through patient-centric care and support for those injured in a motor vehicle or work-related accident. We provide access to every type of treatment a person needs following a car accident, all within one system. From settlements to claim reimbursements, we help with the resources needed for a simplified road to recovery.


  1. National Highway Traffic Administration ↩︎
  2. National Safety Council. Motor Vehicle Overview. Injury Facts. ↩︎
  3. National Safety Council. Motor Vehicle Safety Issues: Speeding. Injury Facts. ↩︎